Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Enrolment Ease


          I’ve been in this institution for almost four years now. I’ve witnessed how NORSU faced its ups and downs and how an ordinary student like me handled patience-consuming enrolment system being imposed in this university for the past few years.

          Before, in order for a student to be officially enrolled, it takes him about two to three days to complete all necessary enrolment procedures. First, he needs to look for the last person falling in line just to pile himself to get his enrolment load form from college dean’s office. After which, he needs to go man hunting just to have his load form (which also serves as a clearance) signed by the college governor, college dean, his instructors, university librarian and other not-so-known personalities of the college and he directly proceeds to the advising of his subject load which also takes some time. The most crucial stage of enrolment then was the payment of school fees. It is where the student would need to prepare the biggest portion of his patience for a turtle-like speed of processing given the fact that only three cashiers were functioning.

          However, for a certain scholar, one still needs to process his scholarship papers at the Student Affairs Office that usually takes almost half-a-day to be released. He then proceeds to the cashier or Accounting Office to pay for the remaining balance if he enjoys a partial scholarship. Finally, he heads to the fourth floor of the College of Arts and Sciences building named ‘Skylib’ to, once again, fall in a very long line to encode his subject load and have his enrolment load slip printed as a true evidence of his very long patience.

          This year, through the leadership of the university’s OIC President Peter T. Dayot and the collaborative efforts of the different offices, students enrolled this semester enjoyed an ease on enrolment compared to the system of the previous years. I, for one, can attest to this improvement. I finished my enrolment processing in just a few hours: a few minutes in getting my enrolment load form from the dean’s office and having some autographs from our adviser and the dean, another few minutes for processing my scholarship at SAO and NORSU Gym where cashiering was located (since I’m a scholar) and lastly, about ten minutes in encoding and printing my load slip. 

          So why am I telling you this? It’s not because I want to brag that I’m the fastest to finish enrolling, nor to be close with the administration and make some “pasipsip.” It’s just that I want everyone to know that it is not impossible for NORSU to achieve a progressive development. It’s not impossible for NORSU to address its serious and complicated issues. Inconvenient enrolment processing of before had been one of these. If we are to look very closely, the administration’s solutions now to the enrolment processing of before are just adding 30 more cashiers and almost 100 subject encoders. This solution is not that complicated and as a matter of fact, it is just a very simple. NORSU main campuses have more than 13,000 enrollees each semester and therefore it shall have more operators for its enrolment to accommodate this big number.

          Sometimes, a complicated problem doesn’t have to be answered by a complicated solution. It just takes a simple solution to do the thing. We are just overthinking about something answerable by using our sentido común.

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