Friday, June 27, 2014

Identity Inferiority

          How proud are we being called Norsunians? How about being dubbed as ‘poor but deserving students’? 

          Perhaps, some might not be pleased of hearing this. Some might not considering NORSU as their ‘pride’ as what it is being mentioned in the university hymn. These ‘some’ might feel belittled when they are with the students of high-profile universities.

          Let me share you some instances that triggered me writing this column. On one of the medical-dental missions [of our scholarship organization] I attended, a certain teacher of the school where we held the activity asked if where we were studying. My co-scholar whom I shall not mention his identity replied to the teacher, “Sa NORSU ra Ma’am.” Upon hearing his reply, the teacher rebutted, in an emphasized manner, “Ngano mang gi-‘ra’ man nimo ang NORSU. Di man angay.” Whether we like it not, this scenario has been very common when someone from the outside asks a Norsunian about the same question. Am I right?

          Another saddening reality is when Norsunians exit the university portals, they immediately take their IDs off as if they are very afraid of being distinguished as students of NORSU. It is as if they can feel inferior whenever they let their IDs freely hang around their necks until the streets of Dumaguete and some people see it. Isn’t it? As a matter of fact, some Norsunians don’t even usually wear their course or college T-shirts for the same reason as of not wearing their IDs outside the university premises. Never did some wear it even once.

          In addition, this inferiority about our Alma Mater even reached social media. For instance, we can notice to some of the Facebook accounts of Norsunians that they did not include on their profile information where they are studying. Instead, others even exaggeratingly include on their information that they are studying in UP-Diliman, Ateneo de Manila University or even in Harvard University. Amazing, right? Well, let’s just assume that they’re doing this for their safety against cyber-crime. Let’s just assume!  

          Why the earth are we, Norsunians, doing such to the school which is molding us into becoming competent professionals in the future? To think, we are very much privileged to step in this institution and learn somehow adequate knowledge that can be used in the real world. To think, NORSU has a lot of things that we can be proud of. Not to mention, NORSU is achieving high results in recent board exams which can be reflected on how good quality education NORSU offers to its students.

          Mind you, being a student of NORSU is not a shame but rather a privilege. There are many hopefuls out there who wished to be one of us but were not fortunately given the chance. Make good use of being a Norsunian. Be proud! Stand tall!

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