Tuesday, July 24, 2012


By: Dude
                   New Year is celebrated traditionally by everyone around the world as the previous year ends. It is said that as new year comes, a new beginning and a brand new chapter of life starts—a chapter that has no assurance for being always in the moment of happiness and enjoyment.
                   It was the year 2012 when the most tragic and painful things happened into my life that made me realized that life is not always in the bed of roses.
                   After a happy and successful celebration of new year, I thought that the new chapter of my life will begin as what was happened before, full of happiness and adventurous experiences. But unfortunately, I was too wrong. What I am expecting is definitely opposite to what had happened. It was full of sorrow and tears.
                   It was January 22, 2012, the new year was still fresh, when I decided to break up with my 3-year boyfriend after knowing and finding out that he has another girl in his life. That he chose to broke my heart after the 3 years of our relationship. It really hurt so much because he just take our 3 years for granted.
                   A week after I had broke up with my boyfriend, my father was brought to the hospital due to difficulty in breathing. After the doctor’s observation, I and my family found out that my father had a lung cancer and it was already at stage 4. We were really disappointed and shocked to the findings. We didn’t tell to my father about the findings trying not to make him worry. I felt like a candle melting down after knowing that my father is in critical condition, that in any single second, he might gone. I haven’t moved on yet to what was happened to my personal love life when another painful moment comes into my life. I was really in my darkest corner that time. I often found myself “tulala” and even sometimes not aware that my tears started to fall because of the consecutive pains.
                   After several weeks, my father was always brought-in-and-out of the hospital. He could hardly breathe and I can see in him the feeling of weakness and eager to have a peaceful rest.

                 When my father was still in the hospital, he always reminded to me and to my mother that we should take good care of ourselves, our house and my siblings. And as the youngest, I am carrying on my shoulder the responsibility to make my family strong whatever happens.
                   I was really confused on how I will handle and manage myself and my family. I can’t concentrate on my studies knowing that my father is dying and thinking the man whom I loved so much is not there at my side who is supposed to comfort me and help me relieve the pain I am suffering.
                   After several times of being confined in the hospital, my father, himself, decided not to bring him to the hospital anymore for he needs to have a rest.
                   Finally and unfortunately, my father died on the day March 3, 2012. This is also the day when the house of my auntie, where I lodge during school days, set on fire and turned to ashes. I was in total grieved during that time thinking why all  these things do happened to my life. I was not yet fully recovered from the broke up with my long time boyfriend when bigger problems and tragedies happened consecutively without having a break.
                   After the burial of my father, I faced another chapter of my life—a chapter where I will live without the two important men in my life and the past made me realized that life is not always on top. It, sometimes, went down to make us suffer for us to become stronger to be able to resist the incoming trials that will be faced soon.
                   Trials come to our lives not to ruin it but to teach us how to get out of our cocoon and adopt the reality of life. And my recovery to those tragic happenings becomes easier because of my mother whom I should give a great importance, my friends who comfort me during those bitter days and my one and only God who leads me the way for me to become a better person.
                   Yes, I was wounded by the past but I was healed by the persons who were left at me and helped me live my life to the fullest.
                   Dude is a junior student of the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management taking up BS Tourism who is a consistent dean’s lister during her freshman and sophomore years and currently having a special friend who help her relieve the pain of the past.

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